Aaron Info
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Aaron Info



Full Name: Aaron Paul Renfree

Nicknames: A-Ron or Azza, The sensible & Brainy Junior, Clu, Spiky (coz of his hair)

Birthday: 19th December 1987

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Lives: Newquay, Cornwall, before he was in sc8 but now lives in a flat in London with Calvin, Stacey and Hannah
Family: Brother called Guy, and 2 sisters called Lisa and Anna
Pets: 2 nameless fish
Hates: Pokemon
Favourite Subjects: Drama and Design Technology
Worst Subject: Physics 
Worst Habit: Puts Tomato Ketchup on everything
Favourite Sweets: Woolies pick 'n' mix
Favourite Colour: Blue 
Favourite Things: Tomato Ketchup and his bed
Best feature: Hair and eyes
Three words that describe you: Funny, clumsy and a perfectionist
Fave movie: The others
Fave tv show: Friends
Fave song: Our next song New Direction
Fave thing about being a junior: Performing and getting to meet lots of pop stars
Most embarrassing moment: Walking into Hear'say's dressing room and thinking it was ours!
Hobbies: Surfing and going to the beach
Operations: Aaron had his appendix out which meant he had to miss the Blue Peter Jubilee performance. Aaron once broke his arm.
Computer Games: Aaron loves playing computer games and his specialities are action games and The Sims.
Aaron Loves: Cat Deeley - 'She really goes out of her way to make you feel special. I think she's really pretty too.'
Dacing - 'I've always loved to dance, and it's something I work really hard at.
Tomato Ketchup - 'If they stopped making it tomorrow I'd go out and buy as many bottle as I possibly could!'
Most embarrasing holiday moment: 'When Rochelle dislocated her toe, I tried to help by getting her a towel - but it ended up stuck to my brace, ha-ha!  And when I went to hand it to her, I couldn't get it off.  Everyone was around the pool, so they all saw!
Favourite Joke:
"How to tell the weather: Go to your back door and look for the dog.  If the dog is at the door and he is wet, it's probably raining.  But if the dog is standing there soaking wet, it's probably raining really hard.  If the dog's fur looks like it's been rubbed the wrong way, it's probably windy.  If the dog has snow on its back, it's been snowing.  Of course, to tell the weather like this, you have to leave the dog outside all the time, especially if you expect bad weather.
Yours sincerely,
The Cat"
Did you know:
  • Aaron once broke his arm and now it sticks out funny, he dont mind though coz he says it gives him his indivduality
  • Aaron adores tomato ketchup
  • At the first audition, Aaron was number 46
  • At auditions, Aaron sang Don't stop movin'
    At final audition, Aaron was number 27
    Tina S Club 7 loved Aaron at the audition
    When they're living together in the hotel, Aaron complains Calvin has too much clothes
    Aaron has trouble getting up in the morning
    Aaron puts tomato ketchup on everything!
    When they met the Pop Idols, Aaron and Gareth Gates checked whose hair was more spiky!
    Aaron doesn't like Hannah's laugh

    Aaron hates it when people tell him loads of times what to do.
    If he had to choose between the Olsen Twins, he'd choose... Ashley!
  • Aaron doesn't like mess and according to the others, he'll always tidy everything up.
    According to Aaron, to become a Junior, you aren't allowed to bring your pets
  • Aaron and the other juniors receive 3 hours tuition 5 days a week so that they don't miss out on their education because they don't go to school
  • When Aaron and the other juniors get nervous before a performance they sing their chant, which goes 'Who let the Juniors out?'
  • Aaron once appeared in an educational video, he had to pretend to fall and break his leg.
  • TV cameras sometimes go to Newquay beach in the summer to film the surfers, and Aaron has sometimes been in those before he was in the band.
  • According to Popworld - 'Aaron's spiky hair and blue eyes have proved a big hit with the girls, 'cos Aaron is the most fancied lad in S Club Juniors!'
  • On tour, Aaron tripped over Hannah's dinner! But, instead of picking it up, he stood there going, 'Oh my God! Oh my God!' while more food was spilling on the floor!
  • According to Jay, Aaron uses baby's toothpaste!
  • The rest of the band are convinced that Aaron fancies Frankie. According to Daisy he is "always flirting with her."
    Hannah and Aaron joined the band after the others.

    Aaron is a keen artist and loves drawing funny comics of the Juniors.


